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A module for defining base classes for each completion type.

SparkChatCompletionMessages = RootModel[List[SparkChatCompletionMessage]] module-attribute

A root model representing a list of SparkChatCompletionMessage objects.

This model is used to represent an entire conversation or a series of messages in a chat completion context. It provides a convenient way to handle multiple messages as a single entity while maintaining Pydantic's validation and serialization capabilities.

messages = SparkChatCompletionMessages(root=[
    SparkChatCompletionMessage(role="user", content="Hello"),
    SparkChatCompletionMessage(role="assistant", content="Hi there!")


Bases: BaseModel

A Spark-serializable chat completion message that can be used for any role in a conversation.

This class provides a flexible structure for representing messages in a chat completion context, supporting various roles (user, assistant, system, tool) and additional attributes like image URLs and tool calls.


Name Type Description
role Literal['user', 'assistant', 'system', 'tool']

The role of the message sender.

content Optional[str]

The text content of the message.

image_urls Optional[List[ImageURLPD]]

List of image URLs associated with the message.

name Optional[str]

The name of the entity associated with the message.

tool_calls Optional[List[ChatCompletionMessageToolCallParamPD]]

Tool calls made in the message (for 'assistant' role).

tool_call_id Optional[str]

The ID of the tool call (for 'tool' role).

cache_control Optional[bool]

Whether to use Anthropic's prompt caching feature (beta).

The class provides methods to format the message for different roles and serialize it to OpenAI-compatible types.

Source code in spark_instructor/types/
class SparkChatCompletionMessage(BaseModel):
    """A Spark-serializable chat completion message that can be used for any role in a conversation.

    This class provides a flexible structure for representing messages in a chat completion context,
    supporting various roles (user, assistant, system, tool) and additional attributes like image URLs
    and tool calls.

        role (Literal["user", "assistant", "system", "tool"]): The role of the message sender.
        content (Optional[str]): The text content of the message.
        image_urls (Optional[List[ImageURLPD]]): List of image URLs associated with the message.
        name (Optional[str]): The name of the entity associated with the message.
        tool_calls (Optional[List[ChatCompletionMessageToolCallParamPD]]): Tool calls made in the message (for 'assistant' role).
        tool_call_id (Optional[str]): The ID of the tool call (for 'tool' role).
        cache_control (Optional[bool]): Whether to use Anthropic's prompt caching feature (beta).

    The class provides methods to format the message for different roles and serialize it to OpenAI-compatible types.
    """  # noqa: E501

    role: Literal["user", "assistant", "system", "tool"] = Field("user", description="The role of the message.")
    content: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The text content of the message.")
    image_urls: Optional[List[ImageURLPD]] = Field(None, description="The image urls of the message.")  # type: ignore
    name: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The name of the relevant chat entity")
    tool_calls: Optional[List[ChatCompletionMessageToolCallParamPD]] = Field(  # type: ignore
        None, description="The tool calls of the message (`assistant` role only)"
    tool_call_id: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The tool call id of the message (`tool` role only).")
    cache_control: Optional[bool] = Field(None, description="Whether to use Anthropic cache control.")

    def content_formatted(self) -> List[Union[ChatCompletionContentPartTextParam, ChatCompletionContentPartImageParam]]:
        """Format the message content, including any images, into a list of content parts.

        This method prepares the message content for use in API calls, handling both text and image content.

            List[Union[ChatCompletionContentPartTextParam, ChatCompletionContentPartImageParam]]:
                A list of formatted content parts, including text and images.
        results: List[Union[ChatCompletionContentPartTextParam, ChatCompletionContentPartImageParam]] = (
            if not self.image_urls
            else [
                ChatCompletionContentPartImageParam(image_url=format_image_url_pd(image_url), type="image_url")
                for image_url in self.image_urls
        if self.content:
            results.append(ChatCompletionContentPartTextParam(text=self.content, type="text"))
        return results

    def as_user(self, string_only: bool = False) -> ChatCompletionUserMessageParam:
        """Format the message as a user message.

        This method prepares the message for use as a user input in a chat completion.

            string_only (bool): If True, return only the text content for messages with images.

            ChatCompletionUserMessageParam: The formatted user message.
            if string_only and self.content:
                return ChatCompletionUserMessageParam(content=self.content, role="user",
            return ChatCompletionUserMessageParam(content=self.content_formatted(), role="user",
        if string_only and self.content:
            return ChatCompletionUserMessageParam(content=self.content, role="user")
        return ChatCompletionUserMessageParam(content=self.content_formatted(), role="user")

    def as_assistant(self) -> ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam:
        """Format the message as an assistant message.

        This method prepares the message for use as an assistant response in a chat completion,
        including any tool calls if present.

            ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam: The formatted assistant message.
            if self.tool_calls:
                return ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam(
                    tool_calls=[call.model_dump() for call in self.tool_calls],  # type: ignore
            return ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam(content=self.content, role="assistant",
        if self.tool_calls:
            return ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam(
                tool_calls=[call.model_dump() for call in self.tool_calls],  # type: ignore
        return ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam(content=self.content, role="assistant")

    def as_system(self) -> ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam:
        """Format the message as a system message.

        This method prepares the message for use as a system instruction in a chat completion.

            ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam: The formatted system message.

            AssertionError: If the content is empty.
        assert self.content, "`content` must not be empty"
            return ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam(content=self.content, role="system",
        return ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam(content=self.content, role="system")

    def as_tool(self) -> ChatCompletionToolMessageParam:
        """Format the message as a tool message.

        This method prepares the message for use as a tool response in a chat completion.

            ChatCompletionToolMessageParam: The formatted tool message.

            AssertionError: If either content or tool_call_id is empty.
        assert self.content and self.tool_call_id, "`content` and `tool_call_id` must not be empty"
        return ChatCompletionToolMessageParam(content=self.content, role="tool", tool_call_id=self.tool_call_id)

    def __call__(self, *args, string_only: bool = False, **kwargs) -> ChatCompletionMessageParam:
        """Serialize the message to an OpenAI-compatible type.

        This method allows the object to be called directly, returning the appropriate
        message type based on the role.

            string_only (bool): If True, return only the text content.
                The resulting user message will only have string content.
            *args: Variable length argument list.
            **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments.

            ChatCompletionMessageParam: The serialized message in OpenAI-compatible format.
        if self.role == "system":
            return self.as_system()
        if self.role == "user":
            return self.as_user(string_only=string_only)
        if self.role == "assistant":
            return self.as_assistant()
        return self.as_tool()

__call__(*args, string_only=False, **kwargs)

Serialize the message to an OpenAI-compatible type.

This method allows the object to be called directly, returning the appropriate message type based on the role.


Name Type Description Default
string_only bool

If True, return only the text content. The resulting user message will only have string content.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.



Name Type Description
ChatCompletionMessageParam ChatCompletionMessageParam

The serialized message in OpenAI-compatible format.

Source code in spark_instructor/types/
def __call__(self, *args, string_only: bool = False, **kwargs) -> ChatCompletionMessageParam:
    """Serialize the message to an OpenAI-compatible type.

    This method allows the object to be called directly, returning the appropriate
    message type based on the role.

        string_only (bool): If True, return only the text content.
            The resulting user message will only have string content.
        *args: Variable length argument list.
        **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments.

        ChatCompletionMessageParam: The serialized message in OpenAI-compatible format.
    if self.role == "system":
        return self.as_system()
    if self.role == "user":
        return self.as_user(string_only=string_only)
    if self.role == "assistant":
        return self.as_assistant()
    return self.as_tool()


Format the message as an assistant message.

This method prepares the message for use as an assistant response in a chat completion, including any tool calls if present.


Name Type Description
ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam

The formatted assistant message.

Source code in spark_instructor/types/
def as_assistant(self) -> ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam:
    """Format the message as an assistant message.

    This method prepares the message for use as an assistant response in a chat completion,
    including any tool calls if present.

        ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam: The formatted assistant message.
        if self.tool_calls:
            return ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam(
                tool_calls=[call.model_dump() for call in self.tool_calls],  # type: ignore
        return ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam(content=self.content, role="assistant",
    if self.tool_calls:
        return ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam(
            tool_calls=[call.model_dump() for call in self.tool_calls],  # type: ignore
    return ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam(content=self.content, role="assistant")


Format the message as a system message.

This method prepares the message for use as a system instruction in a chat completion.


Name Type Description
ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam

The formatted system message.


Type Description

If the content is empty.

Source code in spark_instructor/types/
def as_system(self) -> ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam:
    """Format the message as a system message.

    This method prepares the message for use as a system instruction in a chat completion.

        ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam: The formatted system message.

        AssertionError: If the content is empty.
    assert self.content, "`content` must not be empty"
        return ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam(content=self.content, role="system",
    return ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam(content=self.content, role="system")


Format the message as a tool message.

This method prepares the message for use as a tool response in a chat completion.


Name Type Description
ChatCompletionToolMessageParam ChatCompletionToolMessageParam

The formatted tool message.


Type Description

If either content or tool_call_id is empty.

Source code in spark_instructor/types/
def as_tool(self) -> ChatCompletionToolMessageParam:
    """Format the message as a tool message.

    This method prepares the message for use as a tool response in a chat completion.

        ChatCompletionToolMessageParam: The formatted tool message.

        AssertionError: If either content or tool_call_id is empty.
    assert self.content and self.tool_call_id, "`content` and `tool_call_id` must not be empty"
    return ChatCompletionToolMessageParam(content=self.content, role="tool", tool_call_id=self.tool_call_id)


Format the message as a user message.

This method prepares the message for use as a user input in a chat completion.


Name Type Description Default
string_only bool

If True, return only the text content for messages with images.



Name Type Description
ChatCompletionUserMessageParam ChatCompletionUserMessageParam

The formatted user message.

Source code in spark_instructor/types/
def as_user(self, string_only: bool = False) -> ChatCompletionUserMessageParam:
    """Format the message as a user message.

    This method prepares the message for use as a user input in a chat completion.

        string_only (bool): If True, return only the text content for messages with images.

        ChatCompletionUserMessageParam: The formatted user message.
        if string_only and self.content:
            return ChatCompletionUserMessageParam(content=self.content, role="user",
        return ChatCompletionUserMessageParam(content=self.content_formatted(), role="user",
    if string_only and self.content:
        return ChatCompletionUserMessageParam(content=self.content, role="user")
    return ChatCompletionUserMessageParam(content=self.content_formatted(), role="user")


Format the message content, including any images, into a list of content parts.

This method prepares the message content for use in API calls, handling both text and image content.


Type Description
List[Union[ChatCompletionContentPartTextParam, ChatCompletionContentPartImageParam]]

List[Union[ChatCompletionContentPartTextParam, ChatCompletionContentPartImageParam]]: A list of formatted content parts, including text and images.

Source code in spark_instructor/types/
def content_formatted(self) -> List[Union[ChatCompletionContentPartTextParam, ChatCompletionContentPartImageParam]]:
    """Format the message content, including any images, into a list of content parts.

    This method prepares the message content for use in API calls, handling both text and image content.

        List[Union[ChatCompletionContentPartTextParam, ChatCompletionContentPartImageParam]]:
            A list of formatted content parts, including text and images.
    results: List[Union[ChatCompletionContentPartTextParam, ChatCompletionContentPartImageParam]] = (
        if not self.image_urls
        else [
            ChatCompletionContentPartImageParam(image_url=format_image_url_pd(image_url), type="image_url")
            for image_url in self.image_urls
    if self.content:
        results.append(ChatCompletionContentPartTextParam(text=self.content, type="text"))
    return results


Format the ImageURLPD object into an ImageURL object.

Source code in spark_instructor/types/
def format_image_url_pd(image_url_pd: BaseModel) -> ImageURL:
    """Format the ImageURLPD object into an ImageURL object."""
    model_dump = image_url_pd.model_dump()
    if not model_dump["detail"]:
        return ImageURL(url=model_dump["url"])
    return ImageURL(url=model_dump["url"], detail=model_dump["detail"])